One of my latest and most exciting campaigns.
Strategic thinking, idea generation, operational management, analysis and report for my client.
CB News loved the event!
Which Product?The launch campaign for the x420 laptop- ultra mobile, main benefit = 9 hours autonomy.
The ChallengeHow can we create maximum buzz with minimum budget?
Let's use community and influence management to generate the coverage, opinion leaders who use and advocate community websites.
How can we make 9 hours of autonomy (which was not unique) sexy?
By scenarising this main benefit and by gaining momentum through influential communities, we ensure that our consumers were an active part of this promotion, living the 9 hours with us!
The Concept:
9h Chrono
Hide 9 Laptops in 9 different places in Paris (freely negotiated partners). Through clues given online and on mobile devices every hour for 9 hours, consumers have to find the hidden treasures before they turn off.
"9" hours of autonomy, the 9th December, in 9 places, 9 clues per's "9h Chrono".
- Accompany the classic launch campaign with an exceptional event
- Combine both on and off line activity for the first time
- Use and involve bloggers as a communication vector and promoters for the operation
–INFLUENCE MANAGEMENT - Be in direct human contact with our consumers, use community platforms to interact with our consumers (Facebook, Twitter...)
- Highlight the main product benefits to make them the central theme of the operation (+9 hours of autonomy = mobility)
- Gain awareness by creating online buzz and press clippings
- Find a mechanism in harmony with our target group- connected, urban, innovative, mobile and on the hunt for what's hot or not!
The Communication process

The Results
More than 1000 active participants on D Day
More than 650 fans on our Facebook page with an average of 13 comments per status, up to 56 toawrds the end of the clues for the final unfound laptops.
More than 600 comments on FB page on D Day
71% of fans beatween 18 & 34 y.o. (our target!)
More than 270 followers on Twitter with the name of our operation (@9h_Chrono) being Twitted more than 6800 times
+60 articles published on the operation.
Happy winners! Nearly every winner heard about the operation through a different means of communication!