
International Press Kits

I managed the production of our press kits throughout the year. The target was mainly journalists but also sports federations, clients and partners. We would do, on average, 4 main press packs per year each one ranging from 26, to around 50 pages in volume.

When special events such as the Olympics were being promoted, these packs could take on a whole new format, for example being presented in a gift box along with presents and promotional gifts for our partners.
I would, with the press department and my team, oversee the brief, the design, the production ad the editing of such important items.

These were produced in 8 language versions.

I, myself, would ensure the final editing of the documents to make sure the English was perfect, the tone of voice correct and the language comprehensible for our target audiences and also our subsiduaries for translation.
The dynamic, graphic look of these tools was of the utmost importance and I dedicated a lot of time and energy to these projects as I considered that they were a direct window into, and a reflection of our channel.

The look, the facts and the quality of the document had to be perfect, being a showcase not only for the sport/events that we were promoting, but above all, for the way the Channel broadcast them.

These documents were visually in harmony with the on-air look and advertising camapigns for the same events. The concept for which I also created.

I have all hard copies of these press kits to show.

Motorsports season

2006 Winter Olympics

2004 Olympics- special gift box on the theme "Feel Sport"

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